June Children’s, Teen Calendars Available

Children’s Librarian Anita Ross and Teen Librarian Sarah Brown have been busy planning activities for the summer reading program, and calendars are now available showing all the details. Patrons will find them available in a display near the front desk.

The theme for children’s activities this year is “Catch the Reading Bug.” And for young adults, the theme is “Metamorphosis @ Your Library.”

Children’s activities begin Monday, June 2 with “lunch bunch,” and continue each weekday of the month with regular programs, story times and movies. The main programs each week are on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. June programs include: “Tropical Illusions,” “Monty Harper Music and Songs,” Chris Wilkerson of the Science Museum and Magician Steve Crawford.

Young adult activities also begin Monday, June 2 with a 5:30 p.m. meeting of the recently-organized Manga Club. Other scheduled activities include Teen Movie Nights, Game Time, a mother-daughter Mary Kay Makeover night, for which registration is required, and a forensic science presentation. All young adult activities are for those in grades 6-12. Participants who register for the summer reading program will earn points toward special prizes when they attend certain programs, do book reviews or complete other fun activities.