Adult Anime, Manga Fans Plan Get-Together

A group of anime and manga fans from the college-age set met July 8 and discussed plans for monthly get-togethers and activities.

One member plans to share her anime music videos when the group meets next on Saturday, August 23. Also on the schedule is a movie viewing, with the title to be announced. At that time, participants will discuss and choose a name for the group.

The meeting will be from 1-4 p.m. in the Whiteacre Room East. All anime and manga fans age 18 and older are welcome to attend.

The Reading Bug Strikes At McAlester Public Library

YOUNGSTERS ALL OVER OKLAHOMA are catching the reading bug this summer, with programs like these recent performances at McAlester Public Library. In the top photo, Steve Crawford does a magic trick; next, representatives from the Science Museum show live insects and other creepy, crawly things. All the shows were part of the Summer Reading Program.