‘Breakfast’ Leads List of Goodies

Kurt Vonnegut’s “Breakfast of Champions” leads the list of books on Nathan Forrest’s recommendations, as the “Staff Picks” display takes another turn. The “Staff Picks” display has been temporarily replaced by Halloween items, and will resume soon.

Forrest’s picks and comments include:

*”Breakfast of Champions” by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.–Vonnegut has the distinction of having written one of the 100 most banned books, twice. This book is his revenge. Delightfully acerbic and witty, it is a cathartic romp.

*”A Dirty Job” by Christopher Moore–There’s been a death in the family, and Charlie has become overwhelmed with grief, sadness, and something else. This is a tale of a not-so-grim reaper…takes your breath away.

*”The Host” by Stephenie Meyer–This is a classic science-fiction plot that has been told many, many times. Stephenie Meyer gives this tale a refreshing new twist and a delightfully new voice.

*”Runaways: Dead End Kids” by Joss Whedon–Whedon wrote television’s “Buffy,” “Firefly,” the “Dollhouse” series, and the internet movie “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.” Here he takes Vaughan’s “Runaway ” series and runs away with it.

*”The Dark Elf Trilogy” by R.A. Salvatore–Drizzt has a terrible secret that he has to keep hidden from society. It is a secret he must keep hidden at all costs. It is a dark, dangerous secret that could end his life. The secret is…that he is not evil.

*”Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited” by Aldous Huxley–The future is weird. The social commentary may be more provocative than Orwell’s Animal Farm, but the presentation of a dystopian future through parables has never been more delightfully weird.

*”Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians by Brandon Sanderson–This autobiography is…never mind. Don’t read this book. It’s all lies anyway. We will just move it to fiction and make it disappear. Don’t read it.