Out of This World, Earthly Destinations


TWO PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS recently at McAlester Public Library–part of the summer reading program Novel Destinations– have featured information about out of this world destinations and earthly destinations. The first program, UFOs and the Paranormal of Oklahoma, featured Bigfoot hunter Glenn Hyder and Marilyn Carlson, president of the EPIC Voyagers group (photo left). They told the audience about various paranormal investigations, showed photos of a UFO sighting scene near Stigler, screened night vision videos taken at Area 51 in Nevada and other locations, and displayed a map showing reported UFO sightings in Oklahoma. In the second presentation (photo right), Keli Clark of the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department showed a film, handed out travel guides and other materials, answered questions and talked about the varied and unusual day trips available in Oklahoma. Programs for adults and families continue every Thursday night through August 20, with other activities listed on the calendars available at the front desk. Programs focus on close to home destinations beginning July 28, when Tom Crowl will present the local history program “J.J. McAlester and A Tale of Two Cities.”