How Do You Love Us? We Want You to Count the Ways


February is Love Your Library Month. There’s more than ever to love at McAlester Public Library, as we offer you a double-decker special sampler of programs and activities designed to tempt even the choosiest of palates.

The banquet of information begins with a Feb. 1 program about the Affordable Care Act and doesn’t let up until we send you home Feb. 28 full of chili and historical knowledge. Not only that, but we have a special contest for Valentine’s Day that you could win. All you have to do is tell us why you love the library. Here’s a look at the shortest month, long on details:

*Saturday, Feb. 1—You’ll learn the basics of the Affordable Care Act from Christi Walker and Felicia Wilson, certified application counselors, when you attend this 2 p.m. free public session in the Whiteacre Room. Have questions about signing up for health care insurance? This is the program for you.

*Thursday, Feb. 6—The Bookies book club will meet in the Conference Room at 1 p.m. to discuss One Amazing Thing by Chitra Divakaruni. Refreshments will be served. Then at 6 p.m. we show the first two parts of a four-part mini-series starring Cicely Tyson as Harriet Tubman. This Black History Month Movie Special will prepare you for Lois Phifer’s one-woman show later in the month. We have free popcorn at this and all our other movie screenings.

*Saturday, Feb. 8—Bring the whole family every second Saturday of the month for Second Saturday Cinema at 2 p.m. We always have a fun family film. This month, Bill Hader voices the role of Flint Lockwood in an animated PG sequel. Here’s hoping the weather won’t be cloudy with a chance of any meat-based orbs.

*Monday, Feb. 10—When we scheduled this film for Arthouse Theater, it was thought to be a sure-fire Best Actor vehicle for its solo star. Alas, that nomination did not happen. Come out and see Robert Redford in a PG-13 adventure tour de force, anyway.

*Tuesday, Feb. 11—McAlester Police Officer Jeremy Busby will be on hand to tell you all about setting up a Neighborhood Watch, when the first of several special programs for seniors and other adults begins at 1 p.m. in the Whiteacre Room. Don’t like to get out after dark? These afternoon library programs are designed just for you, by Caroline Wright of the Friends of the Library. Look for more programs like this one in the months to come.

*Wednesday, Feb. 12—The project for the Free Crafts Workshop at 1:30 p.m. is once again set to be do-it-yourself toning sticks, since illness forced a postponement last month. Call us at 918-426-0930 to register for this free crafts program. Then at 6 p.m. in the Whiteacre Room, the Adult Anime group will gather to watch Hugh Jackman make like a wolverine in a PG-13 rated film.

*Thursday, Feb. 13—The conclusion of the mini-series about Harriet Tubman begins at 6 p.m. in the Whiteacre Room. We’ll have some information about other films and books for Black History Month. Join us, won’t you?

*Friday, Feb. 14—For the first two weeks of the month, we’ll ask you what you love about your library. Fill out a heart with your answer and you’re automatically entered to win a giant stuffed Valentine Bear and a giant candy heart. We’ll draw for a winner on Valentine’s Day at 4:30 p.m. Don’t think we don’t love you if you don’t win—we’ll have a table of treats set up for everyone—plus a few romantic books you can check out and read to your sweetie. Awwwww.

*Monday, Feb. 17—The Light Readers book club will gather at 6 p.m. in the Conference Room to discuss The Secret Keeper by Beverly Lewis. Enjoy tasty refreshments as always.

*Tuesday, Feb. 18—The Friends of the Library will meet for their regular noon luncheon. Join them every third Tuesday of the month for a wonderful meal and a fascinating program. Donations of $3 per meal are gratefully accepted but never required. Then at 6:30 p.m., join the Night Readers for a discussion of William Kotzwinkle’s The Bear Went Over the Mountain. Refreshments? You know it.

*Thursday, Feb. 20—McAlester’s own Lois Phifer will reprise her role as Harriet Tubman in a special one-woman show for Black History Month. “Harriet Tubman, Conductor on the Underground Railroad” debuted last summer, and if you missed that performance, now is your chance to see a wonderful, moving dramatic presentation by a truly talented individual. Ms. Phifer wrote the material, as well as designed her costumes and makeup. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. in the Whiteacre Room, and is sponsored by AEP/PSO. Bring a friend. Tell your neighbors about it. You won’t regret it.

*Saturday, Feb. 22—An Academy Award-winning documentary looks at a 1980s strike at a Hormel plant, with news footage and more, at the regular 2 p.m. Documentary Matinee.

*Monday, Feb. 24—The Film Movement independent movie is Broken, starring Tim Roth. Since your foreign film comes from Great Britain, no subtitles! This unrated film begins at 6 p.m.

*Tuesday, Feb. 25—Last month we talked about the possibility of individual change. What will be the subject when Socrates Café meets this month? You won’t know if you don’t attend. Join us at 10 a.m. for brunch and philosophical discussion.

*Wednesday, Feb. 26—The Adult Steampunk Group will meet at 6 p.m. to discuss Leviathan #1 by Scott Westerfeld. All are welcome.

*Friday, Feb. 28—You asked for it, and here it is! The return of History at High Noon. We have six weeks of free luncheon programs planned for you, so mark those calendars! We begin with chili and all the fixin’s, as we listen to James Earl Tannehill tell us all about The Tannehill Museum. The program is from noon to 1 p.m. in the Whiteacre Room. Then afterwards, tours of the Museum will be available.

Speaking of calendar-marking, please note a free public performance by classical guitarist Peter Fletcher has been set for Friday, May 16 at All Saints Episcopal Church Parish Hall, sponsored by McAlester Public Library. Save that date!

Look for more programs and activities for children and teens on calendars available at the front desk or on the website at Hope to see you at the library!



Make Plans to Attend Saturday Meeting on ACA

AFFORDABLE CARE ACT—Information Services Librarian Christopher Elliott, left, and Head Librarian Christine Sauro look over some of the information that will be available Saturday, Feb. 1 at a special free program for the public on the Affordable Care Act. The ACA, also known as Obamacare, will be the subject of a presentation by Christi Walker and Felicia Wilson, certified application counselors at Caring Hands Healthcare Centers of McAlester, at 2 p.m. Saturday in the McAlester Public Library’s Whiteacre Room. Anyone who has questions about the basics of the law, or questions about enrollment, is encouraged to attend this program.

Affordable Care Act to be Topic Feb. 1 at Library

A free informational meeting Saturday, Feb. 1 at McAlester Public Library will focus on the basics of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).

The public meeting will begin at 2 p.m. in the Whiteacre Room.

Christi Walker and Felicia Wilson, Certified Application Counselors at Caring Hands Healthcare Centers, Inc. of McAlester will be the presenters for the afternoon session, which will focus on the basics of enrollment in the health insurance program.

“If you have questions about enrollment, or the Affordable Care Act, we urge you to attend this meeting,” said Head Librarian Christine Sauro.

Informational handouts about the ACA are available now at the library, and will also be available the day of the program. For more information about this or any other library program, call 918-426-0930.