It’s a Banquet of Activities at Library in November


November is stuffed with library activities, so be sure to stop by and see us. We’re as fired up as deep fryer in the driveway. Here’s what’s on the menu:

Tuesday, Nov. 4—Things begin on this and every Tuesday with Lap Sit story times for the little ones at 10 and 11 a.m. In the afternoon, there’s a kids movie at 3:45, and a teen Yu-Gi-Oh meeting upstairs. Of course, we all know it’s Election Day, too. Show off your I Voted sticker at the library.

Wednesday, Nov. 5—Children’s Story Time is at 10 a.m. on this and every Wednesday. The SteamPunk group will meet at 6 p.m. to discuss Captain Nemo by Kevin J. Anderson. The group also plans to discuss upcoming books and movies, make choices and set a schedule. You’ll want to be there to make sure your favorite book is on the list.

Thursday, Nov. 6—The library will be closed for our annual staff training day, when library workers from across the service area of the Southeastern Public Library System of Oklahoma will converge to learn how to serve you better. Then at 5:30, we will open the doors for only those attending the Let’s Talk About It, Oklahoma program. At 6 p.m., Dr. Paul Lehman will present Dr. W.E.B. DuBois’s The Souls of Black Folk. We watched a wonderful documentary about DuBois last Thursday, and we look forward to an interesting discussion. Refreshments will be served, and all are welcome.

Saturday, Nov. 8—Second Saturday Cinema is a double feature this week. We begin at 2 p.m. with the classic animated film based on the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale. Then at 3:15, Angelina Jolie stars as the villain with the unforgettable headdress in an updated take on the classic. Free popcorn, as always.

Monday, Nov. 10—Teen Cooking Class begins at 3:45 upstairs. What scrumptious dish will they be making? Come to the library to sniff it out. Then at 6 p.m., Arthouse Theater features a strange tale from the filmography of Robert Altman. Bud Cort and Shelley Duval star. It’s unrated.

Tuesday, Nov. 11—The library will be closed for Veterans Day.

Wednesday, Nov. 12—We’ve located a project that’s half origami, half regular craft. We’ll be making folded paper leaves for use as napkin rings, and centerpieces too, at our regular monthly crafts group at 1:30 p.m. You should call ahead to register, as spaces are limited.

Thursday, Nov. 13—The Bookies will meet at 1 p.m. on this special day, due to the previous week’s staff training. They’ll be discussing The Homesman by Glendon Swarthout. At 3:45, game times for kids and teens will begin on this and every Thursday in the Whiteacre Room and mezzanine meeting room, respectively. Then at 6 p.m. Clark Gable stars in a 1935 film based on Jack London’s The Call of the Wild. It’s part of our Let’s Talk About It, Oklahoma program. You’ll want to come back a week later for discussion of the book.

Monday, Nov. 17—A new group for teens will have its first meeting at 3:45. They are called the Lacqueristas and Laqueristos. You can nail down just exactly what the group does when you attend. The previous sentence was a hint. The Light Readers will meet at 6 p.m. in the Conference Room to discuss The Sign Painter by Davis Bunn.

Tuesday, Nov. 18—Lots going on today! The Friends of the Library will hear local author Sharon Ervin discuss her latest book when they meet for lunch at noon in the Whiteacre Room. At 3:45, children can enjoy a crafts program with Miss Anita, and teens will meet for Teen Challenge upstairs. Then at 6:30 p.m., the Night Readers will meet to discuss And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini. The group will also vote on book choices for 2015.

Wednesday, Nov. 19—The busy schedule continues with the first of three computer classes at 3 p.m. Today’s lessons will be Facebook and Email. You don’t have to attend all three days, but you do need to call ahead to register. As always, computer whiz Anthony Smart will be the instructor. Then at 6 p.m., the SteamPunk group will meet to discuss Warlord of the Air by Micahel Moorcock and James Cawthorn.

Thursday, Nov. 20—The second day of computer classes will focus on Internet Search and Computer Safety. It all begins at 3 p.m. Call now! Next, Dr. Robert Greenstreet will present the final book in The Gilded Age series, The Call of the Wild by Jack London. Let’s Talk About It, Oklahoma begins at 6 p.m. in the Whiteacre. We’ll have a light supper following his presentation, then group discussion. We’ll also be gathering the final ballots as we decide our discussion theme for Fall 2015. If you want a voice in this lively program, attend and cast your ballot.

Friday, Nov. 21—Anthony’s computer classes wrap up with a look at Microsoft Office and Computer Tip and Tricks. Don’t miss these interesting, free classes.

Saturday, Nov. 22—Documentary Matinee returns at 2 p.m. with look at the famous West Memphis Three case. We’ll have free popcorn. The film is Rated R.

Monday, Nov. 24—Teen Craft Explosion will meet at 3:45 p.m. for sidewalk chalk drawings. Sounds like colorful, dusty fun! Then at 6 p.m., we will show the Film Movement indie movie The Auction. This drama looks at a Canadian farm family’s challenges. It’s unrated.

Tuesday, Nov. 25—Last month at Socrates Cafe, we discussed whether we need untruths to survive. What will be the subject in November? You can help us decide by attending and participating in this philosophical discussion group. Things begin at 10 a.m. and end around noon, sometimes a little later, if we really get wound up. The Teen Yu-Gi-Oh Club will meet at 3:45 p.m.

Wednesday, Nov. 26—The SteamPunk group will gather at 6 p.m. for a movie. See Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law as Holmes and Watson in a PG-13 rated Steampunk-tinged hit. Free popcorn as always.

Thursday and Friday, Nov. 27-28—The library will be closed for Thanksgiving. We hope you have a great holiday.

Monday, Dec. 1—The Teen Book Club will meet at 3:45 p.m. to discuss The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.

Remember to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. If we have additional news and announcements, that’s where to find us throughout the month. Hope to see you at the library!